Leaders exert a significant influence on the culture of any organisation. To succeed, leaders need to have vision, be values-led, authentic, agile, aligned and on purpose. Adding in self-awareness, responsibility and a good level of emotional and cultural intelligence is likely to enhance leadership quality and achievement.

Many leaders now recognise the value of a supportive, people centred culture but this has to be evidenced by the leadership and management style adopted by the leader and the whole executive team in order to permeate through the organisation. A listening, learning, coaching culture may provide the best chance of organisational success in an uncertain and challenging external environment. Having the experience of being coached is the first step, the next is being trained in coaching skills which can then be applied within the organisation.
The development of a coaching culture demands that the senior leadership team commit to that culture, use a coaching leadership style and practise by example. With this approach, decision making is devolved as far as possible to those who are closest to having to implement the decisions. This empowerment permits freedom to take risks, innovate and set their own goals. All managers in the organisation need to be encouraged and supported to adopt a similar approach.
The benefits to the organisation which include improved employee satisfaction and engagement will also encourage managers to:
see a full range of options available to them rather than simply reacting to events;
adapt to new responsibilities and changes;
improve the quality of their relationships both at work and in their personal and social lives;
build on existing strengths and add skills;
reduce negative behaviours;
enhance teamwork and ultimately support organisational change;
make better decisions for themselves and for others they manage.
If you haven’t experienced or discovered the benefits of executive coaching then do get in touch with me at www.dialogueforsuccess.com. Coaching offers a more personalised approach to development for you and your senior colleagues and introducing a coaching culture can really benefit your organisation.